Tuesday 30 December 2014


Look back on your past not only in terms of achievement but failings,
Learn from our shortcoming and move on, 
Thank the Almighty. 
- Mufti Ismail Menk

The past has been filled with memories, happy and sad. I shall definitely treasure the wonderful memories and thank the Almighty for all my blessings. And I have certainly moved on from the little hiccups that life has sprinkled gently along the way. Even that is great blessings from the Almighty. 

Looking back, yes, there may be times that I would wish it could have been different but then again life challenges and tests are what we are made of. We learn from our mistakes and become better persons. If everything comes easy, we may not be appreciative and grateful with what has been bestowed upon us. We may take life for granted. We may not be strong enough to fight and move forward. 

Hence, there should be no regrets. Who or what we are now is a result of a series of process of growing up and progress of learning. 

Having said that though, if I can turn back the clock I wish I could have been a better parent to my two girls. For example, I would include books on Islamic History or the Stories of the Prophet during the time when I read them bedtime stories apart from the usual fairy tales books. I would maybe instill the habit if solat jemaah from when they are young. I would perhaps make them learn foreign language like Chinese and Arabic from when they started kindy as they say that we can learn language much easily before the age of 10. And I often wonder if I have prepared them enough to meet the challenges in this life while at the same prepare for the hereafter. 

Other than that, although there were other moment of regrets as to how I have been in the eyes of Allah, life has treated me well. Alhamdulillah. Praise the Almighty. 

Anyways, taking the same cue as everyone else, here I am wishing all my family and friends a Happy New Year. May the past be a reflection of joyous memories and may 2015 brings us greater and more meaningful living and most importantly may we be closer to our Creator. 


Monday 22 December 2014


Well, its almost the end of year 2014. The first year that I don't have to worry about the year target and achievement. He he. 

So what are my worries instead of that, you may ask? Well, to tell you the truth, nothing! He he. Envy all you want!!!

Well, I may be lying if I say that I totally do not have any worry at all. I do have tiny worries, more like concerns rather than worry I guess. I do have stuff to think and ponder about but not the same level of worry while I was at work. Being in a position where you have major responsibility and others who depending on you, one cannot run away from worries. Oh well, all that is over and done with. Wishing everyone else the best where ever you are. ❤️

I do have one immediate concern though : that is to complete my practicum for my Professional Coach Certificatification on time and ready for my presentation next month. Thereafter I will be a qualified Certified Profesional Coach! Yeay! 

Actually, the 3 months program has given me a lot more insight than I expected. So much so that I believe that all parents and teachers should be trained as a coach. They need not be certified but certainly with coaching skill they would be able to manage "difficult" children/student better.  Children nowadays do not like to be told what to do. And it would be better for them to do something that they like to do anyway, something that they are passionate about, not what the parents want them to do. Provide that its not illegal of course. 😁

Be it as an official coach or having a casual coaching conversation its always about them and not about us. Thats the beauty of coaching. Its a total act of selflessness. Its always about their agenda and not our agenda. We are only the enabler not the decision maker. 😋

Pssst... Fyi, coaching does not equal mentoring! A mentor is more often than not a subject matter expert while a coach is totally not! Just saying. ✌️

Anyway, 2015 is going to be a new adventure for me. I see coaching as a noble profession which will be rewarding and fulfilling. My first few attempts even though amateur have given me that "feel-good" feeling. Such that I am looking forward for real cases in the future. InsyaAllah. If the intention is noble, hopefully, the returns will be rewarding and fulfilling. 

Here's wishing that everyone will find your own calling and may 2015 be the best year you ever had!