Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The Creator and the Creation.

I love reading about how a non-Muslim revert to Islam in Hadith of the Day. (Check the website on www.hadithoftheday or on FB). 

In my opinion anyone who would make an effort to learn the Quran would discover the truth. That there is only one God and Islam is the true religion. 

And this discovery should not be limited to the non-Muslim only but also the Muslim who wishes to deepen their faith and get closer to Allah. 

After more learning and reading  of late I still believe in the basic principle of the religion that was told me more than 10 years ago. 

A non-Muslim asked our Arabic Language teacher "what is Islam really about?" And he said it is about establishing a good relationship with our Creator as well as all of His creation. 

Its that simple. 

Easier said than done?

Just imagine! What if?

You have lost everything! Your money. Your job. Your house. Maybe even your family. And even your friends. 

Every single thing then becomes a huge blessing. 

Every single bite to eat
Every single piece of clothes to wear
Every single smile of hello
Every helping hand, no matter how small. 
Every little bit of shelter from the sun and the rain

You will never complain that the "food is not so nice"
Or that your clothes is not as good as the others
Or a house with an air condition would have been way better

You would be more grateful with what you have. 
You would keep a better relationship with those around you. 
You would turn to Allah more. 

Lets not wait till then to do all that. 

May Allah keep us humble and be a grateful and obedient servant and never ever forget our Creator. 


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