Wednesday 29 January 2014

Feel the Love

Finally the day came. Yesterday was the last day I was in the office. I have done my rounds seing people whom I need to bid farewell to (except one. I have to come back for that for sure).

And I have visits from fast friends and some old friends too. Thank you so much all of you sweet and lovely people!

The last week I was in TM will definitely be among my sweetest memories whenever I look back. Despite the goodbyes and tears I could feel all the love which has beought my spirit up. It also has brought more tears as a result. But I will certainly treasure these moments *sniff*

And I shall treasure the wonderful gifts too because I know they come from their hearts. *hugs*

There is no words that can express how I feel right now. All I can say is, Alhamdulillah, I am truly blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful people. And I pray that the friendship will last a life time as well as the hereafter. Aameen.

Friday 24 January 2014

True Friends

I have started meeting people in the office, former bosses and colleagues, to say good bye and au revoir. Its heartwarming that everyone has wished me well. And especially so that some of the younger ones expressed how they feel about how I have helped and motivated them sometime in their live. 

Those are the treasured moments that I shall take away with me. Much much later I am sure that I will recall the lives that I have touched rather than the success that I have achieved. 

Anyway, a friend sent me the quote below which I found so very true. After all she has been exactly that. A true friend. Whom I hardly ever meet on a regular basis some time years but still stay in touch and yet she came running when in times of need. 

May Allah bless all my friends and keep them safe in this world and gives them happiness in this world and the hereafter...

Thursday 23 January 2014

Farewell .... Au revoir!

Well, as much as I hate it, it is just unavoidable. The farewell do.

Everyone hates good bye. And I particularly do not look forward to this event simply because there will be tears flowing. But then again its the only occasion where I would get to thank everyone personally. I certainly do not want to give away that opportunity. Despite the teary eyes.

On the bright side, there are the gifts! Hee hee.... By the way, I just love the flowers, teddy bear and chocolates. All my favourite things. I couldn't be more happy.

                       The gift/The Management team/The Boss/My Action Team

I just want to say again that I can never thank enough everyone in the team who has worked so hard to make the Consumer Division the best LOB ever. There were a lot of sweat and tears but we had fun too didn't we? 

     Human  Capital Div/Channel Team.        The Secretaries/the Marcom Team

So like I said, let's keep in touch ok!?! There is FB and instagram and tweeter. And there is also whatsapp and wechat as well. Otherwise there is always emails and sms! (Suddenly they sound so old-school! Hee...)

And don't forget to call me when there is makan2! I am just an LRT away!

May Allah bless us all and may our friendship lasts forever.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Birthday with a Prayer

Funny how a friend asked how long has it been since my husband passed away and I don't have an immediate answer. You see, I have never counted the days/months. I did on the first 4 months and 10 days and thats only because I have to count the period of "eddah". 

All I know is that it seems like only yesterday. Sometimes I recalls the times we were in the hospitals with a smile. The time when he called me "fluffy face". The time when he poked fun at the relatives. The time when he joked with the nurses. And other funny yet sometimes strange things. They are still fresh in my mind. 

And the last moment of his life plays in my mind like a broken record. Sometimes  I wish I could turn back time and make that moment just a little bit longer. So that I can "do" a little bit more. For him. But alas, how can that ever be. It is as it is. I am already blessed with many wonderful moments. 

Anyhow, tomorrow 27.01.2014 would have been his 57th birthday. In the occasion of his birthday please join me in saying a prayer for him as follows:

Ya Allah! Engkau ampun kan segala dosa nya 
Cucur lah rahmat atas ruhnya
Dan masukkan lah dia ke dalam syurga bersama2 orang2 yang beriman.
(Ya Allah. Please forgive all his sins, bless his soul and place him in jannah with the chosen ones)

Thank you so much!

Happy birthday my love......

P.S. Photo taken on the eve of New Year 2012. He was diagnose with cancer of the bladder in March 2012 and passed away on 20 July 2013. 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Islam: Way of Life

C'est La Vie

It's certainly difficult to describe the feeling that goes inside me right now. Now that it's final.  It suddenly becomes real with the letter in my hand. I am leaving the company which I have been working with for more than half my life. 

Though I have been looking forward to the day at the same time the feeling of sadness slowly creeps in out of no where. 

I have to admit that I am so looking forward to not having a sales target and KPI and yet I shall miss the scene in the meeting room discussing business plan and the action on the field. 

I am not so worried about the people whom I have known some for more than 20 years as I shall make sure that we will stay in touch. I will make sure of that. And anyway with modern technology, it should not be difficult to keep in touch. 

Oh well. Much as I hate farewells I will still have to go through it. I will certainly need to practice my farewell speech without bursting into tears! 

Wish me well!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Year 2014: The begining

Its over. The year 2013. The year that is so.... shall I say, eventful. In my personal life and in my career.

2013 is a year that we will never forget as it was the year that my beloved husband and the father of my two girls departed. It has been almost 6 months today. We still miss him a lot and often reminisce the fun time we had together. 

2014 is going to be a new beginning for us. A whole new year for us without a man in the house. It's going to be different, for sure. There may be some instances that we certainly need a man in the house. Like getting rid of a snake in the kitchen cabinet for example. (Yes, it happened two days ago! Thank goodness it was just a baby python!). Well, I guess I will just have to wait for one of girls to get married to have a man in the house. Unfortunately it is not going to be anytime soon. And I am certainly not in the equation ok! 

So far all three of us has adjusted well. We don't really know what the future holds but with lots of faith in Allah we will be alright. InsyaAllah. Of course we have plans, but of course Allah knows what is best for us. 

I have ended 2013 and began 2014 in a spiritual umrah trip to Madinah and Mekah. To ease my soul. And to make the journey that my husband and I had planned together. Without my girls unfortunate, due to 'mahram' issues. 

With my spirit and soul rejuvenated, I am more than ready to move on to the new phase in my life. I have also decided that I have enough of the corporate world. I have taken an early retirement. 

My priorities has changed. And I plan to enjoy a simple life. Stress free from chasing sales targets and office politics. *grin*

As mentioned before I have a to-do list all mapped out upon my retirement. Now I get to start 3 months ahead. Lets see how it works out, shall we?

Good luck to me!