Sunday 19 January 2014

Birthday with a Prayer

Funny how a friend asked how long has it been since my husband passed away and I don't have an immediate answer. You see, I have never counted the days/months. I did on the first 4 months and 10 days and thats only because I have to count the period of "eddah". 

All I know is that it seems like only yesterday. Sometimes I recalls the times we were in the hospitals with a smile. The time when he called me "fluffy face". The time when he poked fun at the relatives. The time when he joked with the nurses. And other funny yet sometimes strange things. They are still fresh in my mind. 

And the last moment of his life plays in my mind like a broken record. Sometimes  I wish I could turn back time and make that moment just a little bit longer. So that I can "do" a little bit more. For him. But alas, how can that ever be. It is as it is. I am already blessed with many wonderful moments. 

Anyhow, tomorrow 27.01.2014 would have been his 57th birthday. In the occasion of his birthday please join me in saying a prayer for him as follows:

Ya Allah! Engkau ampun kan segala dosa nya 
Cucur lah rahmat atas ruhnya
Dan masukkan lah dia ke dalam syurga bersama2 orang2 yang beriman.
(Ya Allah. Please forgive all his sins, bless his soul and place him in jannah with the chosen ones)

Thank you so much!

Happy birthday my love......

P.S. Photo taken on the eve of New Year 2012. He was diagnose with cancer of the bladder in March 2012 and passed away on 20 July 2013. 

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