Tuesday 4 June 2013

Life As It is

Ha ha ha...! The stuff that we put up with our spouses! 

My last post has triggered a hilarious discussion about our spouses antics and quirks. And funnily enough I have discovered that there are a number of common habits among men which wives have to grin and bear with. I should change that. It should be grit and bear it instead. Ha ha ha!

Wait. In case you are still lost, we are talking about the 3 stages of marriage between the honeymoon stage and the comfort stage. Ok. Back to the story.

The fact that we can laugh about it shows that we have accepted or come to term with it and decided to move on. There are just some things that cannot be changed. Yes, thats right! You can change their  wardrobe and even arrange a total make over but you can never change some habits that they seem to have been born with. So take it or take your leave! You either live with it and just continue to be baffled for the rest of your life or die trying (to make the change)! Hee....

By the way, the meaning of "grin and bear it" by Cambridge dictionaries online is "to accept something bad without complaining". My friends, please take note of the the last two words. Without complaining.  May I just take a moment to remind you: You know just as much how men hate to be nagged at, so no complaining and nagging please. Hurry up and go to stage 4 already! 

Well anyway. Since its Father's Day this month, here's wishing that all fathers will be the light of the life of their children, with or without their adorable antics and quirks! 

P.S. I wonder if men are having a good laugh over their wives behavior too...


Saturday 1 June 2013

Life as it Goes

It's been sometime since my last post. Almost a month ago in fact. I have been away of some sort. Not far but away from home nonetheless. And during those time, my mind and body were sort of put on hold. Another word, my mind was blank to the point of  almost devoid of emotion. Except when I play "4 pics 1 word". Ha ha ha...

Anyway, now that I am home, my mind has started a wandering again.

Remember I wrote about the various stages of life many post ago? You know, from infant stage to college days, etc etc. And then onto relationship and marriage. I have been thinking: there several stages in a marriage itself. There are the honeymoon stage right up to the "comfort" stage. And somewhere in between there are the adjustment stage, the give-and-take stage and the accommodating stage. These are the three stages that would make or break a marriage especially the adjustment and give-and-take stage. 

I would like to believe that I have passed all that and am now in the comfort stage. The stage where we are comfortable with each other as a couple and as individuals. When we are happy together even when we are not doing anything in particular. 

My parents who are more than 90 years old are a good testimony of this. When one is not in sight of the other he/she will ask for her/his whereabout. Its not that he/she wants anything in particular from the other half. Sometime they don't even talk to each other for a time after the salam and good morning but you can see from their faces and body (language) that they are happy and contented. They would go about doing their own things but within sight of each other. Anyway, at their age, their activities are limited and confined to a smaller space. Still. You know what I mean? 

I hope that if I live long enough, or rather my husband and I live long enough, we will be just like them. Their total faith and believe in all-that-comes-from-God-are-good surpasses all aches and pain of old age. They never complain and are always thankful. 


Well, enough of my rambling. Hope that everyone will have a wonderful week end as always.

A special wish to my niece who will have 'majlis bercukur jambul' for her first born today. May Aryan grows to be a bright and handsome man and most important of all, a man with Iman and Taqwa. 
