Sunday 13 July 2014

In Loving Memory

Its almost a year since you were gone. Ramadhan is here again. And it has reminded me of the ramadhan of last year. I guess every ramadhan will be a reminder to me (and may be to our girls too) of the time that we spent at the hospital before you were gone

A lot of events have taken place since then. First and foremost, I have decided not to continue working in the corporate world. Many have asked what I have planned. And you may too.  Lets just say that I just want to lay back and let the world go by for now. 🌅

One thing I am blessed with now that I am no longer working is that I can travel the world without having to worry about targets and P&L. Last May I went all the way to Canada by myself to visit our friend Rashimah and Duane. They are doing well and have a lovely home with a beautiful garden. Remember Syafiqah, the eldest girl? She is now in college while Liyana and Imran are in secondary school. I am still not familiar with the terms they use over there. Sophomore and what not. Promised Rashimah that I will visit again with our girls. InsyaAllah.

And our girls. Hanna has just completed her degree. Seems like it was only a little while ago that we sent her to Penang to do her Diploma. And now she is ready to join the rat race! 

And Syaza. She has turned 21 in June! Alhamdulillah. Both events call for a big celebration. It would have been more joyful for both of them for you to be around to celebrate the achievement and milestone of their lives. Even so, they know for sure that you would be proud of them. You have always taken time to spend time with them. And they really valued that. In fact Hanna missed the 'analytical' discussion with you and  I am really such a poor substitute. Oh well, she may just need to get another man in her life for that purpose. Wink. Wink. 

Like you said, we have good kids. Alhamdulillah. I constantly pray that they will turn to be good muslimah and be blessed with success in this life and the hereafter. InsyaAllah. 

May Allah bless you with His Rahmah and Barakah and may He place you with those He has given His nikmah. Aameen.