Sunday 12 May 2013

Mother's Day

No matter what some people say about Mother's Day celebration, here's a poem written by my daughter expressing her inner most feeling. Just don't ask me to translate it, please. 

Aku melihat raut wajah mu,
Tenang. Senyum.

Seolah-olah kehidupan mu tiada satu pun yang tidak pada tempatnya.

Macam mana kau lakukan?

Aku melihat diri aku
Tiada langsung persis kamu

Aku yang cepat goyah.
Senang terlupa.
Mudah putus asa.

Tapi kau?

Kau penuh semangat jiwa.
Diisi dengan kesabaran.
Dipenuhi dengan ketabahan.

Hebatnya apa yang Tuhan pinjamkan kepada mu.
Membantu kamu meneruskan hidup sebagai isteri, ibu, sahabat, anak, dan juga,

Hebatnya kamu,


Hebatnya kamu mengharungi dugaan.
Hebatnya kamu bersabar dengan segalanya.
Hebatnya kamu masih mampu tersenyum riang.

Hebatnya kamu,


Dan untungnya aku,
Digelar anak kepada ibu yang hebat seperti kamu.

Selamat Hari Ibu, Ibu!

Sunday 5 May 2013

There is Hope.

It's the day of the election. Finally. After much campaign and slinging match, the day of "judgement" is finally here. I just hope that when the final result is out there will not be fights among the opposition parties. I hope that the losers will accept defeat with grace and determination to do better in the next round while the winners will stay humble and fulfil their promises.

As human we sometimes forget that positions and wealth are also tests from Allah. For as long as we don't abuse our positions and use our wealth wisely, we would probably pass the test. I use the word 'probably' because only Allah has the final say whether what we do is accepted or good enough to grant us a place in jannah. It depends very much on our intention when we embark in every single thing that we do. Deep down honest-to-goodness intention.

If everything that we do is for the sake of Allah then, we are alright. But that is so easily said than done. We often get distracted and attracted to worldly goods. With the help of the devils of course. It may not be easy to give up worldly pleasure for the sake of life of the hereafter which seems to be oh-so far away.

Thus, lets remind each other to be a more dedicated person and take on our responsibility more seriously. With lots of honesty and sincerity. With Allah in our heart and the Prophet (saw) as our guide. And don't forget to count our blessing with every little thing that we have given.

My special prayers to our future leaders who will rule the country and may the country continues to be prosperous and remain in peace. Ameen.

Friday 3 May 2013

Golden Years

Its official. At around 3 am early this morning I turned 55. The official retirement age. I was looking forward to this as I was planning on a bout of not doing anything for a couple of months. Hee hee..... But as my husband's advised, we need to accept the responsibility when asked as long as we still have the capabilities, physically and mentally. So there it goes. I will continue working in the corporate world for another year.

Anyhow, today I feel especially blessed with all that I have been given in life. Hence I cannot just be "taking" all the time, there must be some "giving" at the same time. InsyaAllah. I will do just that. For as long as I am needed, I will give to those who seek for my "service".

In deed, as I reflect back in my life journey in the past, I have plenty to thank Allah for. There wont be enough room to list everything down. But I must at least thank Allah for my wonderful family and beautiful friends, without whom my life would not be so colourful.

To everyone whom I have 'touched' one way or another, I hope that our relationship will continue till the end of days and that I have been an added value to your life too. To those I have wrong or hurt even in a small way, I beg for your forgiveness and seek the opportunity to make amend. And to my close family and friends, I sincerely thank you for being there when I needed it the most and for ever so willing to spend time to share not only my joys but also my sorrows.

I pray that there will be many more wonderful years to come and more colourful adventure in store in the future.

May Allah bless us all with a steadfast Iman and Taqwa till the end of time to secure us a place in jannah.
