Friday 31 August 2012

Ulang kaji - Rukun Solat

In case lah kita terlupa, kalau ikutkan, syarat solat yang terakhir ialah mengetahui mana yang rukun dan mana yang sunat (rujuk dibawah). So, sama2 lah kita ulang kaji.

1.Beragama Islam
3.Suci dari hadas
4.Suci seluruh anggota badan, pakaian dan tempat.
5.Menutup aurat
6.Telah masuk waktu solat yang telah ditentukan
7.Menghadap kearah kiblat
8.Mengetahui mana yang termasuk rukun dan mana yang sunat.

1. Niat
2. Takbiratul Ihram
3. Berdiri tegak bagi yang berkuasa ketika solat fardhu (bagi yang tidak berkuasa, disebabkan sakit dan sebagainya boleh melakukannya secara duduk, berbaring , telentang atau dengan isyarat.)
4. Membaca surah al-Fatihah pada tiap-tiap rakaat.
5. Rukuk dengan toma`ninah.
6. I`tidal dengan toma`ninah
7. Sujud dua kali dengan toma`ninah
8. Duduk antara dua sujud dengan toma`ninah
9. Duduk tasyahud akhir dengan toma`ninah
10.Membaca tasyahud akhir
11.Membaca selawat ke atas nabi pada tasyahud akhir
12.Membaca salam yang pertama
13.Tertib ertinya mengikut urutan dalam mengerjakan rukun-rukun tersebut.

Selamat menyambut Hari Merdeka yang ke 55!

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Winter Of life

And then it is Winter.

You know. . . time has a way of moving quickly
and catching you unaware of the passing years.

It seems just yesterday that I was young,
just married and embarking on my new life with my mate.
And yet in a way, it seems like eons ago,
and I wonder where all the years went.

I know that I lived them all...

And I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams...
But, here it is... the winter of my life and it catches me by surprise...
How did I get here so fast?
Where did the years go and where did my youth go?

I remember well...
seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people
were years away from me and that winter was so far off
that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like...

But, here it is...
my friends are retired and getting grey...
they move slower and I see an older person now.
Some are in better and some worse shape than me...
but, I see the great change...
Not like the ones that I remember who were young and vibrant...
but, like me, their age is beginning to show and we are now those older folks
that we used to see and never thought we'd be.

Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target for the day!
And taking a nap is not a treat anymore... it's mandatory!
Cause if I don't on my own free will... I just fall asleep where I sit!

And so...
now I enter into this new season of my life unprepared
for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability
to go and do things that I wish I had done but never did!!

But, at least I know, that though the winter has come, and I'm not sure how long it will last...
this I know, that when it's over... its over...
Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't done...
things I should have done, but indeed, there are many things I'm happy to have done.
It's all in a lifetime...

So, if you're not in your winter yet...
let me remind you, that it will be here faster than you think.
So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life please do it quickly!
Don't put things off too long!!

Life goes by quickly. So, do what you can today,
as you can never be sure whether this is your winter or not!

You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your life... so,
live for today and say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember...
and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things
that you have done for them in all the years past!!

"Life is a gift to you.
The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after.
Make it a fantastic one."

Friday 24 August 2012

Puasa 6

Now that ramadhan is over, there are still some days that are highly recommended that we do our fasting. And one of them is during the month of Syawal.

6 days of fasting in the month of Syawal is encouraged if you want to earn that extra credit points. And for more info on this is in the link below. I find that this article is pretty straight forward compared to some. Thanks to my brother who posted this on FB.


Monday 20 August 2012

Eids Mubarak

After a month of fasting, it's only deserving that we have a grand celebration to mark the occasion. More to celebrate the fact that we have successfully abstain from the lure of desire to do all the not-to-do list during the month of ramadhan.

Usually during the festive break we take the opportunity to spend the first day to be with the parents or parents in law. No matter how far they are, most of us would take the trouble to brave the traffic which is usually horendous at this time of the year.

Alhamdulillah, it was a wonderful celebration for us. It was the first time that we celebrate first day of Eids in our own house. It was tiring; the spring cleaning, the last minute shopping, the cooking, the mountains of dishes to be washed after .....

But it's all worth it. The happy faces, the raya spirit, the sound of laughter, the non-stop chatting and bantering among siblings and cousins. They are priceless.

Wishing all my family and Muslim friends a joyous Eids. May Allah gives His blessing and forgives us all.

But I for one truly feel blessed.
Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

Thursday 16 August 2012

End of Ramadhan

The ramadhan month is almost over. During this time it's not unusual for me to feel kind of sad and a bit of regret. Sad that the month full of blessing is almost over and regret that I couldn't do more ibadah while it lasted.

Certainly this year has been a different experience for me. Good or bad, they are good as all that comes from Allah are good. I feel truly blessed. I am thankful for all that I have been bestowed. I feel so much love all around. Alhamdulillah.

I don't know about you, but somehow I feel so close to God during this month. Maybe it's because we make more effort to 'spend' more time with Him. Hence the feeling of 'lost' when ramadhan is almost over.

May Allah the Almighty grant us positive change in our lives, accept all our acts of worship and forgive us comletely. Ameen. - Mufti Menk


Sunday 12 August 2012

Solat Sunat Rawatib

A friend asked about solat sunat (the 'optional' solat) being practised by some Muslims before or after the solat fardhu (compulsory). Here is the full article about it including the hadith validing the practice.

This is another way to earn extra "credit", so let's do it!

Solat Rawatib ialah solat yang mengiringi solat-solat fardhu sama ada sebelum atau selepas solat fardhu.

Solat sunat Rawatib ini terbahagi kepada dua bahagian :
Sunat Rawatib yang "Muakkad"
Sunat Rawatib yang "Ghaira Muakkad".

Disamping itu Sunat Rawatib juga terbahagi kepada 2 kategori :
Qabliah (sebelum Solat Fardhu)
Ba'diah (selepas Solat Fardhu)

Sunat Rawatib yang "Muakkad" adalah 10 rakaat seperti berikut :

2 Rakaat sebelum Solat Subuh
2 Rakaat sebelum Solat Zohor.
2 Rakaat selepas Solat Zohor.
2 Rakaat selepas Solat Maghrib.
2 Rakaat selepas Isyak.

Sunat Rawatib yang "Ghaira Muakkad" pula adalah 12 rakaat seperti berikut :

2 Rakaat sebelum Solat Zohor
2 Rakaat selepas Solat Zohor.
4 Rakaat sebelum Solat Asar.
2 Rakaat sebelum Solat Maghrib.
2 Rakaat sebelum Isyak.


Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w :
عن عبد الله بن عمر قال حفظت عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ركعتين قبل الظهر وركعتين بعد المغرب وركعتين بعد العشاء وركعتين قبل الغداة
(متفق عليه)

Maksudnya : Dari Abdullah bin Umar, katanya, "Saya mengingati (lafaz) dari Rasulullah s.a.w dua rakaat sebelum Zohor, dua rakaat sesudah Maghrib, dua rakaat sesudah Isyak, dan dua rakaat sebelum Subuh."
(Muttafaq alaih)

Sekiranya sebelum solat Fardhu di sebut : قَبْلِيَّةً
Sekiranya selepas solat Fardhu di sebut : بَعْدِيَّةً
Oleh yang demikian niatnya adalah seperti berikut :

أُصَلِّي سُنَّةَ ( الظُّهْرِ / العَصْرِ / المَغْرِبِ / العِشَاءِ / الصبح ) رَكْعَتَيْنِ (قَبْلِيَّةً / بَعْدِيَّةً ) لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى

Maksudnya : Sahaja aku menunaikan solat sunat (Zohor / Asar / Isyak / Subuh) dua rakaat (Sebelum / Selepas) kerana Allah Taala.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Makna doa selepas solat Tarawikh

I have been meaning to look up for the meaning of the doa after solat tarawikh and here it is. It is a really good doa hence we should really 'ameen' with great enthusiasm with the hope that it's to be granted! Oh, how I wish!

الحَمْدُ للهِ رَبِّالْعَالَمِينَ/ حَمْدًا يُوَافِي نِعَمَهُ وَيُكَافِئُ مَزِيْدَهْ / يَارَبَّنَا لَكَ الْحَمْدُ كَمَا يَنْبَغِى لِجَلاَلِ وَجْهِكَ الْكَرِيْمِ وَعَظِيْمِ سُلْطَانِكْ / اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِينْ / اَللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنَا بِاْلإِيماَنِ كَامِلِينْ / وَلِفَرَائِضِكَ مُؤَدّيِنْ / وَعَنِ اللَّغْوِ مُعْرِضِينْ / وَعَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ مُحَافِظِينْ / وَلِلزَّكَاةِ فَاعِلِينْ / وَبِالنَّعْمَاءِ شَاكِرِينْ / وَعَلَى الْبَلاَءِ صَابِرِينْ / وَفِى الدُّنْياَ زَاهِدِينْ / وَفىِ اْلآخِرَةِ رَاغِبِينْ / وَتَحْتَ لِوَاءِ سَيِّدِناَ مُحَمَّدٍ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ سَائِرِينْ / وَفِي الْجَنَّةِ دَاخِلِينْ / وَمِنَ النّاَرِ ناَجِينْ / وَعَلَى سُرُرِ الْكَرَامَةِ قاَعِدِينْ / وَمِنْ سُنْدُسٍ وَإِسْتَبْرَقٍ مُتَلَبِّسِينْ / وَمِنْ طَعَامِ الْجَنَّةِ آكِلِينْ / وَمِنْ لَبَنٍ وَعَسَلٍ مُصَفًّى شَارِبِينْ/ بِأَكْوَابٍ وَأَباَرِيقَ وَكَأْسٍ مِنْ مَعِينْ / مَعَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ النَّبِييِّنَ وَالصِّدِّيقِينَ وَالشُّهَدَاءِ وَالصَّالِحِينْ / وَصَلّ ِاللَّهُمَّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِينْ / وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّالْعَالَمِينْ

Ya Allah, jadikanlah kami orang yang imannya sempurna. Bisa mengerjakan yang wajib. Bisa menjaga sholat dan bisa menunaikan zakat. Bisa menuntut/ mencari kebaikan di sisi-Mu, mengharap ampunan-Mu, memegang teguh petunjuk-Mu, berpaling dari penyelewengan, zuhut (sederhana) terhadap dunia, mencintai amal untuk bekal akhirat, ridho terhadap kepastian (Allah), syukur terhadap nikmat yang telah diberikan, dan sabar terhadap segala cobaan.

Dan mudah2an di hari kiamat nanti, kami dalam satu barisan dibawah panji junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW melewati telaga yang sejuk, bisa masuk surga, duduk diatas tahta kehormatan, didampingi bidadari, mengenakan pakaian kebesaran dari sutra warna warni, menikmati makanan surga, minum susu dan madu murni. Dalam gelas2 dan kendi2 yang tak pernah kering, bersama mereka yang tlah Engkau beri nikmat kepadanya dari golongan para Nabi para Shiddiqin, para syahid (yang gugur dalam membela agama Allah), para shoolihin, dan baik sekali mereka menjadi kawan kami.

Demikianlah kemurahan dari Allah dan mudah2an Dzat yang Maha Mengetahui memberi kecukupan. Dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan Semesta alam.

P.S. Semuga amalan kita diterima dan di redhai Allah. Amin.

Thursday 9 August 2012


by Erma Bombeck, written after she found out she was dying from cancer

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle..
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later... Now go get washed up for dinner.' But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute; look at it and really see it; live it and never give it back.

Don't worry about who doesn't like you, who has more, or who's doing what
Instead, let's cherish the relationships we have with those who do love us..

Desription of Ramadhan

I found this in site and I thought it is very well written and simple to understand. Thought I would share with you as well as keeping it as my own reminder:

The holy month of Ramadhan is a great gift from God for the believer and its blessings are not to be missed. In this month Allah grants the believer more thawab (reward) for their good deeds and blessings are increased manifold and God has said He will forgive even more sins, so how can we let this opportunity go by?
The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) said:
One who receives the month of Ramadhan (and does not strive in it) is not forgiven. Allah distances Himself from that person.

Keep Away From Sin
This is a month in which abstaining from doing any sins, merely breathing, obtains you copious thawab. And a believers' sleep is like staying up late in worship in other months. Such are the blessings from God. What you really do not want to do is turn away those blessings by committing sins. While God has written great forgiveness for Himself in this month, He has also warned against the committing of sins in this month as the sins count for more in this month as well.

Imam Ali (AS) says:
The Prophet Muhammed was delivering a sermon about the virtues of the month of Ramadhan so I asked him: O' Prophet of Allah! What is the best deed for this month?
The Prophet (SAW) replied:
O' Aba al-Hasen! The best of deeds in this month is the abstinence from that which is forbidden by Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious.

Read The Holy Qur'an
The month of Ramadhan is the month in which the Qur'an was revealed in full. In this month the thawab for reading a single verse is like readings the whole of the Qur'an in other months. Such are the blessings are rewards of God subhanallahu wa ta'ala. Many Muslims strive to read the whole Qur'an in this month and they achieve this by splitting up what they intend to read across the whole day. They succeed in reading the whole Qur'an by the end of the month due to the effort put into organizing themselves and making the most of their time, and the blessings for this are gigantic.

Observe the Obligatory and Recommended Prayers and other acts of worship
Muslims are required to pray five times a day but in this month this same act of worship has a greater reward than in other months:
The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) has stated:
(The rewards of) one who has performed in it (the month of Ramadhan) a single act from amongst the wajib (obligatory) acts of Allah, would be like (that of) one who has performed seventy obligatory acts in other months.
There is also much reward for doing the mustahab (recommended) optional acts of worship. This is a month in which mustahab prayers are highly recommended, especially the night prayers, Salat al-Layl (also called Salat al-Tahajjud). Other recommended acts of worship include ghusuls (ritual baths), recitation of supplications and observing the suhur (the predawn meal).

Make Repentance and Recite Supplications
The month of Ramadhan is a month in which Allah has informed us that He increases His mercy but He calls us to make repentance in order for Him to remove our sins. So actively raise your hands in supplication and ask Him sincerely: O' Lord! I ask you Almighty to forgive me my sins and I turn to you in repentance! Ya Rabb! Istaghfurullah Al-'adheem wa attoubu illayk.
The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) said:
Surely, the month of Ramadhan has been named so because it scorches away the sins.

The month of Ramadhan is the best month to ask Allah to remove your sins in and also to ask for what you covet - it is recommended to pray for good things such as the opportunity to make Hajj (pilgrimage) to the Holy Kaabah, to find and marry a good woman/man and to become prosperous and devout.
I'tikaf on the Night of Qadr

The night in which the Qur'an was revealed in full to the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) is known as Laylatul-Qadr, a night in which the thawab for good deeds are better than a thousand months-worth of good deeds. Allah says:
In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful
[97.1] Surely We revealed it (the Qur'an) on the grand night.
[97.2] And what will make you comprehend what the grand night is?
[97.3] The grand night is better than a thousand months.
[97.4] The angels and Gibraeel descend in it by the permission of their Lord for every affair,
[97.5] Peace it is till the break of the morning.

The exact day that Laylatul Qadr falls on was not confirmed to the believers but they were given a number of days to pick from to do their worship in (the odd days in the last ten days of the month), granting them multiple opportunities to take up this great blessing. A lot of Muslims go to the mosque on Laylatul Qadr and undertake a secluded spiritual retreat (I'tikaf) - they stay up during the night in worship, reading Qur'an, praying obligatory and mustahab prayers, making up for a weeks-worth of obligatory prayers and reading supplications until the night ends. I'tikaf can also be done at home and at other times.

Give To Charity
In Islam the concept of sadaqah (charity) spans beyond just giving money to the poor. The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) taught that even a smile is a form of charity. Having the ability to give charity to the poor is a gift from God, because He has blessed you with sufficient wealth that you can spend as you wish, but He rewards you when you give it to someone poorer than you and blesses them through you. By giving charity you help your neighbor, benefit society and increase your own spiritual level.
The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) said: Charity extinguishes sins as water extinguishes fire.

The month of Ramadhan, being the month of fasting, gives us a small idea of how the poor feel when they do not have enough to eat. This insight should increase the willingness of a person to alleviate the hunger, thirst and other hardships of the poor through giving to charity.

In Summary...
The month of Ramadhan is a month that only a fool would let pass without trying to obtain as much blessings and benefits from it. Who knows if this opportunity will come around again this time next year? Allah has blessed us so much and given us so many opportunities for seeking his forgiveness and reward and we should be thankful and take his gifts.

MasyaAllah fatabarakallah

The word "masyaAllah" is frequently used by almost all of us among the Muslims. Unfortunately, most of the time, it is used at the wrong time or the wrong occasion. In Malaysia at least. My guess is also in countries that do not speak Arabic as their first or second language.

Now, masyaAllah means Allah the Almighty (Allah yang maha Agung). And the use of this exclaimation is best to be used when there is joy or beauty. Like when you see a beautiful baby/person or a stunning sunset or a melodious voice.

Unfortunately, most of us (me included) use it when there is a calamity or unexpected turn of event or when we are upset and so on and so forth. Since I learnt about this, I have to keep reminding myself to use it in a different context. Habit dies hard.

And today I learnt something else. One way for us to seek the pleasure of the Almighty (mendapat keredhaan Allah) is to always say InsyaAllah before we want to do something and when we achieved it we must say MasyaAllah fatabarakallah. Yes, I know. Usually we just say Alhamdulillah. Which is ok too. It shows that we are thankful to Allah.

The guest Ustaz said in his tazkirah today that by saying MasyaAllah fatabarakallah when we achieved success or received a compliment or anything in the same line, will rid the feeling of proud of one self and forgetting that it is by the will of Allah and his blessing (sifat riak). And "riak" is one form of syirik khofi. And this is indeed something we want to avoid.

I find this knowledge rather useful thus the need to share it here.

Alrightie folks. Don't forget that tomorrow night will begin the all-important phase of Ramadhan where one of the night will be the nite of Lailatul Qadr. The search for the everlasting redemption begins.....

Salam and good night!

Monday 6 August 2012

Lailatul Qadr

Ask any Muslims and they would know about lailatulqadr. It's one nite of 'mother of all' blessings that happens on one of the night of the last 10 days of Ramadhan. But what may be some do not know is how to fully benefit from the not-to-be-missed night of lailatulqadr.

The best practices for the night of lailatulqadr is to do the qiamulai, lots and lots of zikirullah and of course the Quran reading (plus the tafsir would be better). I guess this is common knowledge.

Let me share what I learnt recently:
1) list of zikrulallah (10 times prior to qiamulai)
- takbir (Allahuakbar)
- tahmid (Alhamdulillah)
- tasbih (Subhanallah)
- istigfar (astaghfirullah)
- tahlil (lailahailallah)

Followed by Doa Nabi S.A.W. :
Ya Allah, berilah aku petunjuk (hidayah), dan kurniakanlah aku rezeki, dan anugerahkanlah untukku kesehatan. Aku berlindung kepada Mu daripada kesusahan ketika menghadap Mu pada hari Kiamat.

(Source: hadith dari Aisyah r.a dan di riwayatkan oleh Abu Daud, Al-Nasaai dan Ibn Majah)

P.S. The note above was given by Dr Abdulah Yasin. Dr Fatma recommended two more in addition to the above; selawat atas nabi and lahaulawala kuwata illa billa hil aliyil azeem. And her recommendation is 100 times instead of 10.

2) one thing that strikes me from Dr Fatma class is that if you hit on the jack pot, ie you do all that you need to do on the lailattulqadr night, you may just be given the ticket to heaven. But of course you are not aware of it and so you will keep on trying every year.

So she highly recommends that we take leave from work on the last 10 days of ramadhan and take this golden opportunity. She is sad that in Malaysia it's the total opposite where there is less people going to the mosque and musolah during those precious time. (Not like in the middle East).

And one more important thing to know is that on that very night your 'doa' (prayers) will be granted. Even to the extend of life changing matters or fate!

There you go. I have promised a friend that I would share and I have. I hope that it would touch at least one heart.


Saturday 4 August 2012

Happy week end!

So. What's happening this week end? Shopping for Raya? Baking cookies? Buying new sofa? Oooohhh.... So much to do and so little time! For some. Ngee....

Just a little reminder. While doing all that don't forget to hold on to your patience. Two things that has been reminded to us during one of the post tarawikh tazkirah was about little things that we must watch out for during the fasting month: 1) bersabar 2) jaga mata, mulut, telinga, anggota dan perut.

I think everyone knows pretty much what all that is all about hence no need for me to elaborate further.

Enjoy the week end folks!

P.S. A friend just told me that Jln TAR is jammed. That's a real test of patience! And mind your language too! Ngee.....!