Sunday 30 September 2012

The Dwellers of Heaven

It's been sometime since I attended my Sunday Class and lo and behold, on the very day that I managed to get the time to do so, the subject of discussion was very much a matter close to my heart.

This morning we talked about one of characteristics that we should have which is called 'tasamuh' meaning 'tolerance'. And the Ustaz quoted one surah that describes the dwellers of Heaven in relation to the subject matter. And they are;
1) those who spend for the sake of Allah whether in prosperity or adversity
2) those who are able to control their anger
3) those who forgive others easily. No matter how bad it was. Hah!

2 and 3 above are characteristics which I feel are more difficult to acquire compared to 1. Don't you think so? But if we want to be among the chosen few, we must be able to be just like that!

Maybe there are tips on how to control our anger and how to forgive others. I will google and find out and let you all know about it later on, ok!

Salam and goodnite. Sweet dreams everyone!

Tuesday 25 September 2012


I was attending a dialogue session in the office and the subject of discussion was Integrity. There were 3 speakers; one was our very own Chief Internal Auditor while the two were guest speakers from Malaysian Institute of Integrity.

After listening to the three speakers I cannot help feeling kind of helpless and hopeless. I mean, it is difficult enough to inculcate integrity within the company what more can we do to the country. I have to admit though that it's a noble move to make it part of the Malaysia 5 year plan. Even though I would question the progress of it thus far.

Anyway, here are some notes that I have jotted down for our very own "discussion".

-Legacy of good thoughts and good deeds
-It starts with good intention
-Confused and corrupted knowledge leads to losing our integrity and gives rise to false leaders and bad leadership.
-Some Leaders have the capacity but are not committed.
-Bad leadership is an understatement. Evil leadership is a more apt description because it will trigger a vicious cycle.

-As long as there are givers there are takers.
-Fraud triangle: Need. Opportunities. Greed.
-Learn to say NO
-Be accountable. You can delegate responsiblity but you cannot delegate accountability

One the speakers had lots of real life stories to tell and he had the audience laughing. But he kept reminding us that it is a serious matter. Which made us laugh further.

But actually it is a serious matter. What went wrong? As parents we teach our children to be kind and honest. In school there are moral studies and religious class. And we keep reminding them that even though no one is watching God is always there. Everyone knows that.

So? My guess is; greed is just too much to overcome for some. That saying NO is impossible. That the existence of God and the repercussion of the wrong doings become meaningless.

But I guess this is one of the big test God has made for us. To differentiate the good ones among us all.

May Allah gives us perseverance and the strength continue in the right path.


Note: Guest speakers were Mohd Nizam Mohd Ali and P. Kanison from IIM.

Now and Then

Yes. Ok. You are good in what you do. You have the boss on your side. But do you have the right to show disrespect to others?


There is always one like that in your life. Someone who just have the answers to everything and wants everyone to listen to him/her only. Usually not a team player. And if the idea is not from him/her or doesnt involve him/her, it will not be considered as good.

Know anyone like that?

This only happens if a person looks for worldly rewards and recognition. If we seek the rewards from only the Almighty, we do not need to be recognised as the person behind the project or the initiatives or what have you's. It doesnt matter that we are the quiet person behind the project but actually have done all the work. For Allah knows. And we will be rewarded accordingly.

So what do we do with these kind of people.

Pray (doa) for him/her. Pray that he/she will be given the light. Don't fight for the limelight. Believe me, to get the 'limelight' in the hereafter is way, way much better and worthwhile.

Meantime, just do what you need to do with the utmost honesty and sincerity. Carry on your responsibility to the fullest and take accountability in what ever you do. And what ever you do always give due consideration to the people around you for you are never going to make it alone. Share the successes and celebrate with the team. Give due credit to those who deserve. It is never a one man show.

Allah is all knowing and blesses those who care for others.

Friday 21 September 2012


They Teach It at Stanford: 
In an evening class at Stanford University the last lecture was on the mind-body connection -- the relationship between stress and disease.

The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman. . . whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends.

At first everyone laughed, but he was serious. Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically this quality "girlfriend time" helps us to create more serotonin -- a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well being.

Women share feelings, whereas men often form relationships around activities. We share from our souls with our sisters/mothers, and evidently that is very GOOD for our health. He said that spending time with a friend is just as important to our general health as jogging or working out at a gym.

There's a tendency to think that when we are "exercising" we are doing something good for our bodies, but when we are hanging out with friends, we are wasting our time and should be more productively engaged? Not true. In fact, he said that failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking!

So every time you hang out to schmooze with a gal pal, just pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for doing something good for your health! We are indeed very, very lucky. Sooooo let's toast to our friendship with our girlfriends. Evidently it's very good for our health.  

Life Lesson

 Be nice to others because ...
Time will make a difference!

One day you will no longer be the BIG dog....
Just the OLD dog. 

Sunday 16 September 2012

Life and Death

Sometimes it's a little harder to accept death of some one dear to you. No matter how you justify it, it's still filled with remorse and regret. More than anyone else. And it's harder to get over.

Last week a colleaque of ours passed away. Someone who is, sorry, who was in that prime age. You know, in the middle of a successful career path while at the same time managing her growing up children. Two most important yet sometimes difficult development to juggle for any mother to do successfully.

The circumstances of her death is a real testimony of the fact that "Death is in the hand of God". And when your time is up, it's up. Not a minute sooner and not a minute later.

But it's still hard to believe it at first. For me at least. First of all she was recovering from her stage one cancer. It's stage one, meaning the chance of recovery is good. And she was responding well to the chemotherapy. It's just so unfortunate that she had to have an infection after a minor operation to 'install' the chemo port. A simple operation which was described by an oncologist I met as 'a walk in the park' for any surgeon.

Trouble is, an infection, no matter how small or minor is a dangerous thing for anyone going through chemotherapy. For their antibodies is at an all time low due to the chemo. It can lead to bigger thing or more serious ailment which can even lead to death if not treated immediately. And that was exactly what has happened.

My heart just sank when I heard the news. It took me sometimes to get over it. But in the end, I have to remind myself that God has the final say. No matter how we try to justify and come up with any reason, we just cannot deny that it's God's decision. And who are we to question that decision.

Dear friend. You will be remembered and missed by many. Your smile and your cheerfulness. And your kind heart, forever willing to help everyone around you. May your soul be placed among the righteous and the chosen ones.


Saturday 8 September 2012

Rahsia Solat pada masuk Waktu

An amazing article I found which I have copied for my own reference. A rather long read but worth every word.

Nevertheless, here is a brief summary:

Kebaikan disebalik solat;
1) Subuh- warna biru muda/penawar/rezeki dan kommunikasi
* Isyrak/Duha-warna hijau
2) Zohor-warna kuning/sistem penghadaman/keceriaan
3) Asar-warna oren/sistem produktif/kreativiti
4) Maghrib-warna merah/otot, saraf dan tulang/keyakinan
5) Isya'-indigo/sistem kawalan otak/ketenteraman dan kedamaian
*Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus. Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.



Setiap peralihan waktu solat sebenarnya menunjukkan perubahan tenaga alam ini yang boleh diukur dan dicerap melalui perubahan warna alam. Aku rasa fenomena perubahan warna alam adalah sesuatu yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang fotografi, betul tak aid ?
Sebagai contoh, pada waktu Subuh alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh.
Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia berkaitan dengan penawar/rezeki dan komunikasi.
Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu Subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali,
lama kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki. Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad bercantum (keserentakan ruang dan masa) – dalam erti kata lain jaga daripada tidur.
Disini juga dapat kita cungkil akan rahsia diperintahkan solat diawal waktu. Bermulanya saja azan
Subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum. Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonan pada waktu rukuk dan sujud. Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuhnya sebenar sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.
Warna alam seterusnya berubah ke warna hijau (isyraq & dhuha) dan kemudian warna kuning menandakan masuknya waktu Zohor. Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghadaman.
Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan. Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zu hurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya. Orang yang tengah sakit perut ceria tak ?
Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif. Rahsia warna oren ialah kreativiti. Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar ni jasad dan roh seseorang ini terpisah (tidur la tu .). Dan jangan lupa, tenaga pada waktu Asar ni amat diperlukan oleh organ-organ reproduktif
Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang-orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah. Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) dan ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat
bertenaga kerana mereka resonan dengan alam.
Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga seelok-eloknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini (solat Maghrib dulu la .) kerana banyak interferens (pembelauan) berlaku pada waktu ini yang boleh mengelirukan mata kita. Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan, pada frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.
Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna Indigo dan seterusnya memasuki fasa Kegelapan. Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak. Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyaknya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan. Alam sekarang berada dalam Kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam. Tidur pada waktu ini dipanggil tidur delta dimana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam kerehatan.
Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus. Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.
Begitulah secara ringkas perkaitan waktu solat dengan warna alam. Manusia kini sememangnya telah sedar akan kepentingan tenaga alam ini dan inilah faktor adanya bermacam-macam kaedah meditasi yang dicipta seperti taichi, qi-gong dan sebagainya.
Semuanya dicipta untuk menyerap tenaga-tenaga alam ke sistem tubuh. Kita sebagai umat Islam sepatutnya bersyukur kerana telah di’kurniakan’ syariat solat oleh Allah s.w.t tanpa perlu kita memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyerap tenaga alam ini.
Hakikat ini seharusnya menginsafkan kita bahawa Allah s.w.t mewajibkan solat ke atas hambanya atas sifat pengasih dan penyayang-Nya sebagai pencipta kerana Dia tahu hamba-Nya ini amat-amat memerlukannya. Adalah amat malang sekali bagi kumpulan manusia yang amat cuai dalam menjaga solatnya tapi amat berdisiplin dalam menghadiri kelas taichinya .

Friday 7 September 2012

My Sweethearts

One has gone off to start a new life as a Uni student last week and another will continue her 5th semester this coming week. And the empty nest syndrome shall begin again until the next semester break or mid term break.

Certainly will be quiet around here. You both shall be missed dearly sweethearts!

Take care and remember the journey is equally important as the destination!

May Allah keeps you in Iman and Taqwa always.


Thursday 6 September 2012

4 Years of New Life

Been sometime since my last post. Lots have happened since then. Entertaining visitors. Raya open houses. New born baby.

And most important event of all is the entrance of my second girl into the uni live.

It's a happy moment for us both but a little sad too for me and I guess also for her. Also maybe she is a little scared and a little nervous but at the same excited with the new venture.

This will be another stage everyone goes through as part of adulthood. To be independent and fend on your own. To make your own decisions and to learn to take responsibilities.

Yes, she was away for a year doing her Foundation course but somehow I felt that it was still in a controlled environment. This time around there will be more 'exposures' and more challenges I would say. By the end of the 4 years she will definitely be a more matured person.

Well, it's all part of growing up for her onwards to be become the person that she wants to be.

Good luck Cha. May Allah bless your 'journey' and ease the path you take. Keep your heart and intention for Him and you will be alright.


P.S. Miss your chatter Cha! And Ninja misses you too.