Tuesday 25 September 2012


I was attending a dialogue session in the office and the subject of discussion was Integrity. There were 3 speakers; one was our very own Chief Internal Auditor while the two were guest speakers from Malaysian Institute of Integrity.

After listening to the three speakers I cannot help feeling kind of helpless and hopeless. I mean, it is difficult enough to inculcate integrity within the company what more can we do to the country. I have to admit though that it's a noble move to make it part of the Malaysia 5 year plan. Even though I would question the progress of it thus far.

Anyway, here are some notes that I have jotted down for our very own "discussion".

-Legacy of good thoughts and good deeds
-It starts with good intention
-Confused and corrupted knowledge leads to losing our integrity and gives rise to false leaders and bad leadership.
-Some Leaders have the capacity but are not committed.
-Bad leadership is an understatement. Evil leadership is a more apt description because it will trigger a vicious cycle.

-As long as there are givers there are takers.
-Fraud triangle: Need. Opportunities. Greed.
-Learn to say NO
-Be accountable. You can delegate responsiblity but you cannot delegate accountability

One the speakers had lots of real life stories to tell and he had the audience laughing. But he kept reminding us that it is a serious matter. Which made us laugh further.

But actually it is a serious matter. What went wrong? As parents we teach our children to be kind and honest. In school there are moral studies and religious class. And we keep reminding them that even though no one is watching God is always there. Everyone knows that.

So? My guess is; greed is just too much to overcome for some. That saying NO is impossible. That the existence of God and the repercussion of the wrong doings become meaningless.

But I guess this is one of the big test God has made for us. To differentiate the good ones among us all.

May Allah gives us perseverance and the strength continue in the right path.


Note: Guest speakers were Mohd Nizam Mohd Ali and P. Kanison from IIM.

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