Tuesday 22 October 2013

Time Heals

Its been 3 months since and it seems that time has stood still. At times. For me. There has been some ups and downs. As usual lah kan.... Many ups actually. Alhmadullillah.  

And little bit of downtime. 

Especially the third month. I would term it as a minor depression period. Sleepness night, morning after 'hang-over' and overall feelin of lethargic. And fear of meeting people.  I was afraid that  I would burst into tears if anyone ask how I was doing... Trying to stay cheerful while I was in pieces inside was not something that I could handle.  Which resulted in a major downtime for me. By my standard. 

Those days all I wanted to do was stay in bed all day in semi camatose.  The song by whatshisname came to mind. You know tha one that say 'Today I don't feel like doing anything, tee dee dee tee dee dee... !' 

Anyway, the doctor has kindly precribed a super large dose of "healing time". Time away from the whole world for me to grieve on my own. Technically known as medical leave. And panadol for the headache when needed. And antihistamines for the stuffy nose. Due to sleep deprived nights. 

So I was away from the office 2-3 days a week much to the chagrin of the people at work who were up to their eye balls preparing the Business Plan and AOP and stuff. So happen it was that time of the year when we practically sleep in the meeting room for days on ends. So happen the big boss was away and I was supposed to be in charged. So happen I was not in a good shape to face the world.

I even felt like quitting my job. Seriously!

And then one day, after about 3 weeks, I suddenly woke up feeling fresh and energetic and ready to slay the dragon! 

The doctor was right. All I need is time. But then again she did warn me that the 'down time' may happen now and again for quite sometime. Well, thats ok. I am more than ready for it now that I understand how it works.

To my family and friends who have never given up on me and given me room for a "time-out"..... BIG BEAR HUGS!!!

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