Saturday 26 January 2013

The way to Jannah.

It so happen that we were talking over nothing and then suddenly the topic somehow got shifted to something more serious. The question was, what is our little bit of contribution in this life to the world. Be it the environment or the people.

So it got me to thinking. I have written about the purpose of life, right? The reason why we are born in this world? All these are very much related. At least that's how I see it.

The way I see it, life is all about relationship. Relationship with our Creator and all that He created. I honestly believe that it will help us to get to where we want to go to. And we not only have to develop and maintain a "good relationship" with Our Maker but also everything that the eyes can see. Almost. But people, animals and environment are the major ones. Yup. The living things.

When we touch on the subject of people, guess who is the most important person in the world? Yes! That's right. Your mother. The hadith clearly stated how importants Mothers are. In my opinion, the acid test of how well mannered a person is can be based on his/ her relationship with his/her Mother.

Other than that, the tell tale sign can be seen from the way he/she keeps up with the rest of siblings and family, or the neighbours and friends as well as colleagues and subordinates. Or even strangers for that matter. For example, a good deed to a total stranger goes a long way especially when you don't expect to ever see that person again. That's the ultimate sincere act as any.

I can go on and on about this subject, but do not forget about the other two relationship that we need to have with.... animals and environment. And ..... also the non-living things.

But let's just leave that to another day, shall we....?

Have a marvelous long week end to those with off days on Monday!

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