Sunday 8 September 2013

As I was looking out the window...

As I was sitting by the window, enjoying the breeze and cool weather, I felt truly blessed. Its a beautiful weather and I can still hear my late husband's voice saying 'It's a perfect weather for golfing!". Indeed it's good weather for any out door activities!

Tomorrow my girls will start a new semester after a long break. The long break means they have been home with me for the last two and half months which has given the three of us the emotional and moral support that we need from each other. But they have been amazing. At times I feel that they have provided me the support more than I them. They have taken over many thing that I used to do for them like attending family matters and grocery shopping for example since I have to observe the 'iddah' period. My husband did mention while we were at the hospital that we have good kids. *smiling with pride*

Anyway, from tomorrow it will be another "phase" of my life in a way, where I will be practically be on my own with the exception of my maid. Thank goodness for my loyal maid who has been with us for 20 years! And anyway they are not that far away, I would say within "hollering" distance. Hee...

To my two darling daughters, you are both in my constant prayers :
"Ya Allah, Ya Hayyum, Ya Qayyum. Jadikan mereka anak2 yang solehah, anak2 yang sentiasa beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Mu dan beramal ibadat kerana Mu, dan berikan mereka kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat".

P.S. Love you both to bits!