Saturday 29 March 2014


I have not written for awhile. Partly because I have been kept busy with some personal errants. Partly because I have not much to muse about lately. And partly because I have been deeply affected by the recent tragedy. Somehow everything else seems paled in comparison.

In my last post I have mentioned how deeply I felt for the family of the crew and passengers. And when the final news was broadcasted, I was just as devastated even though I do not know anyone personally. Well, of course they would have felt a lot more. A lot worse. Even though it was a kind of closure, still, there are a lot of questions unanswered. That is the hardest part. It is just sooo sad.

That thought has been occupying my mind. While as a Muslim, we learn to accept God's will in total good faith, one cannot help but wonder what had really happened. Why on earth did the plane changed course.... Yeah. Me and the rest of the world. 

And at the same time, while tragedy has brought some people and nations closer together, it has also brought forth the evil in some. 

I agree with many that this is the time that we put aside all our differences and stand together to defend our country. Perhaps there is something good that can come out of all this. If we can stand united and be patrotic for a change disregarding our political difference, race or religion. (we never had any issues on the last two anyway, only the first! )

Well as they say in our religion, there is something good out of everything that happened. In God we trust. I do believe. Totally. 



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