Sunday 5 April 2015


I wonder if the furore over the introduction of GST has died down. Personally I find that its a waste of time to dwell too much on the subject matter as its one of those things that we just have to 'jump on the bandwagon'. And I am sure that there are other more pertinent matters that we can debate on.

I had an interesting conversion recently.

It was a casual after-dinner chat with my girls but it turned out to be a serious subject. The subject on "conscience". It is a subject matter which the girls' father used to emphasise on. And it came up in our conversation again and again. 

Sometimes I wonder if some people are born with not even an ounce of conscience. Some can be so self righteous and appear to be the person that every parent want to take home as their daughter or son-in-law but they failed miserably when it comes to a simple act of 'be kind to others'. 

In one of my earlier posting (read : rambling) I did mention once that Islam can be made simple if we follow 2 principles: 1. Keeping a good relationship with our Creator and 2. Keeping a good relationship with all His creations.

Unfortunately, there are those who pass with flying colours in Principle no 1 but sadly they failed horribly in Principle no 2. Just because it is not stated in the 5 Pillars of Iman or the 6 Pillars of Islam doesn't mean that it doesn't carry weight for the hereafter.  

If what you are going to do seems good but it would inconvenient others then think again. Worse still if its going to hurt others. And you cannot use the excuse that you do not mean it or you do not realise it would affect others that way. It may work once but not every time. It actually can turn to be a malicious act. For pure self interest or personal greed. 

It irks me when I see a car blocking the second lane while trying to cut Q in the first lane. And it doesn't take much to clean the table at a fast food restaurant before you leave. Actually, there are so many simple act of kindness that can make a whole world difference. And it would earn you"brownie points" for the hereafter. You just may never know that that one of the simple act is actually the one that earns you a place in Jannah! 

Anyway, I had a good start to my Sunday today. A charity event called Rose2Rose Walk for Humanity. The euphoria from the combination of being out in park on a beautiful morning, chatting and laughing with your friends, as well as doing your bit for a good cause. ❤️

Happy Sunday folks! 

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