Sunday 1 December 2013

Down the Memory Lane

Its always good to be back home in our hometown. Where we were born. Where we grew up in. Where we played and learned. 

No matter how old we are, and how long we have set up our own home and family else where,  the feeling of 'being home' is still strong when we go back to our hometown. Especially when our parents are still living there. 

I guess its because it brings back a lot of memories. This morning I took a walk along the street where I used to take to go to my primary school. Its a good 1 km away. It didn't  seem that far those days. Simply because I usually walked with a friend and we would chat all the way there and never really noticed the distance. 

The landscape has changed somewhat but its still the road down memory lane...

And during my secondary school I would cycle to school with a couple of friends. The three of us even wear matching jackets and we have a name for our group. *giggle* Typical behaviour of students from an all girls school. 

Yup! Looking back I had a lot fun back in the early 70ies. I spent a lot of time in school with the school activities and 'other' activities with friends. Such that my Dad heaved a huge sigh of relief when I was offerred to continue my Form 4&5 in a boarding school. He probably thought that since I spent so much time in school, might as well stay in the school!

Oh yes. Those carefree days. The young and innocence. Mind you I was quite a 'tomboy' then! *giggle giggle* If I were to turn back time I would not change anything for the world. 

I had fun in the boarding school too but thats another story. And those are the pre-adolescent years. So they are kind of  different. If you know what I mean. And its a co-ed school some more. And SPM! The exam that is considered to be the critical 'make it or break it' platform for the future! Totally different 'adventure' altogether ! 

Its been sometime since I was back and I   am feeling so blessed and nostalgic at the same time. I hope that everyone else are having a good time too over the week end. 

May Allah continues to bless us all and may He grants us long lives filled with all the goodness in this world. 


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