Tuesday 19 November 2013

Love is Forever

Today I had a sudden urge to take out my camera and lo and behold I found this photo in the memory card. I don't remember having this photo taken and who took the shot. But I remember the occasion. It was my niece's wedding. 3 years ago. I think. She has a one year old son now. So that should be about the right time.

Anyway, it was 4 months ago today. Since he was gone. And I do believe that he has gone to a better place. Waaaay better! 

I am sure everyone close to him still misses him as much as I do but for me the feeling of lost has slowly been taken over by bigger scheme of things. Like planning what to do upon my up and coming retirement (in 5 months). And prioritising and re-prioritising my to do list.

There are days when I am still out of sort. You know, can't sleep, upset stomach, morning after hangover, low blood pressure. But it occurs less and less. But I am pretty sure that it will pass. Totally. Given time. If not it definitely means it has nothing to do with the after death-of-loved-one syndrome but maybe, just maybe, it is part of so-called mid life crisis or post menopause syndrome. LOL!

My period of 'eddah' will also be over soon. I look forward to seeing all the lovely people who has been good to me for the past few months. Scrap that. For the past one year and nine months to be more exact. Lets have lunch or coffee and a chat, shall we?

Meanwhile, to the handsome guy in the picture below, we love you forever and ever!

May Allah continues to bless his soul and place him with the chosen ones in Jannah. 



  1. i took the photo! :) love you ma <3

  2. semoga rohnya Allah letakkan di kalangan orang yang soleh. semoga you dan anak-anak sentiasa dirahmatiNya.
