Monday 24 February 2014

Family and Weddings

There has been a series of weddings since Dec 2013. Every month since then. Hence my travel to Penang in Dec 2013, Melaka in Jan 2014 and the recent trip to Terengganu. (February wedding was in Selangor.)

I don't know about you, but I love family weddings. Yes, it may be not be so much 'fun' for the parents/host but somehow I feel that it seems to always bring the family closer together. The pre wedding chores and to do list may be two pages long but the get together to get some of the things done can make a seemingly impossible task sorted out with some fun and laughter thrown in. And during the event day, family members automatically play their role without having the task 'assigned' to them.

The last wedding in the family took us to Terengganu for my nephew has chosen a bride from Dungun. There wasn't much for us to prepare since the bride's family is the host. Except for the preparation of the gift or hantaran. So it was an easier time for us. But what I like best about this trip is that it was also like a family outings for us. We put up at two homestays near a beach. Even though the water was not safe for swimming, it was a beautiful beach nonetheless.

Everyone who was there agreed that it had been like a family holiday; with the stroll on the beach in the early morning, the kids playing on the sand and the barbeque nite after the official events. The europhia was not the same when we were in Penang. The homestay was in the middle of nowhere. What has changed in the equation was the beach and perhaps the barbeque. 

So we all decided that we will plan for a family holiday near a beach sometime in the middle of the year.  Perhaps an island holiday. With snorkling and fishing. Its not the sort of thing that we do as a family. I know that some family make a yearly tradition of going on holidays together. But not us. Except for that all girls   trip to Jakarta way back in ... err... 2000? But its never too late to start a a delightful yearly event, eh?

I don't know about you, but I love my family. The whole nine yards! (Forgive the pun. There are nine of us sisters and brothers!). We may have difference in opinion at time but we never had a serious big fight! 

My wish (doa) is that all of our children will have an equally if not more happier times with their own siblings as well as their cousins and that they will have a wonderful relationship as their parents with their sibblings. Aameen. 

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