Wednesday 9 May 2012

I Believe in Me

A friend tweet this quote:
If you aren't happy single, you won't be happy taken. Happiness is from within you, not from men (women)
-from Love Quote and Saying

I can't help but nod to myself when I read this. I mean, if you are not happy inside or within yourself, no matter who you are with or where you are, you will never ever be totally happy.

Somehow I got a feeling that there are many out there who are on denial. I believe that there are many who probably only pretend to be happy for the sake of others. They may appear to be happy on the outside but they may be suffering on the inside. Until the bubble of denial can no longer stretch and snap.

In the West people go to the 'shrinks' to solve their problems but in our society we suffer in silence. Although there are some loud ones who constantly fight and a few extreme one who resorted to committing suicide. God forbids.

If you have read my earlier post, happiness may be elusive unless you look for it in the 'right direction'.

All in all if you go back to basic, you will be alright. Believe me, the easiest way to get to know yourself is to 'get to know' Allah.

He will lead and show you the way. Trust me! Or rather trust Him. Everything else will fall into place.

And once you believe in yourself, life will be beautiful regardless who you are with or where ever you are.


P.S. Thanks Nora!

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