Tuesday 26 June 2012

Change is the only Constant

Change. It's often not easy. In fact it may be the most difficult thing that a person has to do. But sometimes in life, we have to do just that. That or face the sequences which may even be more trying.

For some, it's difficult to go along with the flow. And that's where the trouble begins. When you try to go against the flow depending how fast the current is, it will require a lot of energy and you will be in a lot of pressure and eventually a lot of stress. So you have to make a choice.

Nevertheless there are some situation where its worth fighting. When it's something that you totally believe in and you know that its the only right thing to do. You may be fighting a losing battle but you are happy with the thought that you have tried. Your concience is clear.

And of course, there is a third option. You can always bail out and call it quit. If you feel that going with the flow is not your thing and going against the rest is just not worth all the effort, then you may want to make a different kind of change. You may want to make sure that the option is available though before you decides to take this path.

Unless of course you already have a lot of 'dough' stashed somewhere.

Do I make sense here? May be not to everyone, but to some of you out there.

My friend, what ever path you have chosen, rest assure that I am right behind you to catch if you fall.

Because I know that you would do the same for me.

Good nite. May Allah blesses us all.

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