Wednesday 6 June 2012

Monday Blues

Anyone else out there frequently suffer from Monday morning blues? I hope that I am not the only one. Monday morning is the hardest time to get out of bed and usually my brain seems to function a lot slower too. For some reason. Though not every single Monday.

Maybe it's the hectic week end. Sometimes the weekends is full of activities that there is not enough time to laze and relax. But sometimes the week end is so lazy that Monday becomes a chore.

So how do I overcome these moodswing?

Anyone used to watch the series Ally McBeal? It used to be one of my favourite program. I just love her quaint character and a few others in that series. (For those who do not have a clue, its a story about a bunch of lawyers). Anyway, she used to have a theme song that she would sing in the bathroom to perk her up in the morning. It was funny when she started to sing on top of her lung with a lot of gusto to bring her spirit up, using the toothbrush as a microphone.

So maybe that's what I need. A song by Usher that I heard this morning on the way to the office is a good one. It's very upbeat and make any listener feels like getting into the groove to the beat. But I have no clue as to the title of the song.

Something more sober that I have tried before is to arrange for a meeting on Monday morning so that my brain is forced to function and shift my other parts of my body straight into fifth gear.

I wonder if I take every Monday off, will I get Tuesday blues, you think?

So, anyone out there care to share how you deal with your Monday mornings?

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