Sunday 7 October 2012

Anger Management

I promised earlier that I will google to find out more about 'Anger managament' and the 'art of forgiving others' (refer 2 post earlier entitled Dwellers of Heaven)

Some common advice on how to control anger are: take time out or take deep breath. Self analyse why you are angry. Etc. Etc.

But I find that most site tell you how to manage anger as it happens but not how to avoid anger altogether. I think that would help a lot more.

For, the way I see it, once you lose your temper, it's kind of difficult to think rationally. And sometimes words already slipped out before you could call for a time out.

So, for me, the best advice is to be the kind of person who can remain calm at all time. And in my personal opinion, to be able to do that you need to be a humble person and the kind of person who do not put himself more important than anyone else.

Here is a story that I found in one of the website that I googled ( that explain exactly what I mean:

Once, in ancient Japan, there was a young samurai warrior. His mastery of the sword was strong; his mastery of self weak. He happened, one morning, to come into the presence of a wise old man who was reputedly an even better swordsman than the young upstart but who didn’t feel the need to impress others.

“If you are so wise,” demanded the younger man, “then explain to me the meaning of Hell and Heaven!”

The old man turned on the young samurai. “Why should I even speak to one as bloated on self-importance, so mired in self-opinion, so stuffed full of conceit as you? Be gone, weak man!”

Now no one had ever dared speak to the samurai like that! Infuriated beyond belief, hands shaking with rage, he drew his sword and went as if to separate the ancient sage’s head from his body.

But at this point the older one turned calmly and said: “In answer to your question: that, my child, is Hell!” The warrior was amazed and humbled that the other man should endanger his own life to illustrate a point and quickly regained control of himself again. And seeing the hot-headed youth calm down, the old one gently pointed out: “And this, my son, is Heaven!”

Catch my drift? And when you are on this level, forgiving others is so easy.......

Have a good nite sleep everyone!

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