Tuesday 30 October 2012

Colours of My Life.

Another year. Another birthday last week end. For my first born. Somehow I feel so blessed. Even though it's nothing more special than last year. Or the year before. In fact last year would have been more special as it was her 21st birthday.

Yes, I feel truly blessed for been bestowed with two lovely girls. I truly hope that I have done my duty to be a great mother whom they see not just as a Mother but also as an advisor, confidant and a friend. It would be such an honour if I am the first person they turn to for help or advice (other than their father of course). It would be wonderful to know that I am a big instrument in shaping their life. And most of all, I do hope that with the guidance that have been given to them they will turn up to be responsible persons in carrying out their duties to God, people around them and the environment. (should I put the country as well? Nah! Too pushy!)

Having them certainly has added values to my life. Watching them grow in the different stages of life into adulthood. Seeing their progress and maturity as we go along. Sharing their ups and downs. Their joy and sadness.

Thank you Allah. I am truly blessed.
Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

Ya Allah, ya Haiyum, ya Qaiyum.
Jadikan anak2 kami anak2 yang solehah,
Yang sentiasa beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Mu,
Dan beramal ibadat kerana Mu, ya Allah.
Ameen ya rabbal ngalamin.

1 comment:

  1. anak-anak yang cantik menawan..semoga Allah terus anugerahkan kecemerlangan dan kesejahteraan kepada mereka khususnya dan kepada famili shahid juga
