Thursday 18 October 2012

Concious Competence

It's not the first time that it happened to me. And I am pretty sure that it happened to many others too.

There you go driving on a familiar road going to a specific destination while enjoying the songs on the radio and maybe singing along to your favourite tune. And suddendly you realised that you missed the turn. You are so used to using that road be it to work or home from work that your mind automatically take the same route even though you were actually planning to go somewhere else that day.

Sound familiar?

Scientifically that is called 'unconcious competence'. (not sure if I talked about this before, but anyways....). When you try to do something new, at first you will feel uncomfortable and it takes time for you to get used to it. This is the stage where its called 'concious incompetence'. You have to be concious and alert of doing it or you won't be able to it well. (a good example is learning how to drive). Once you get the hang of it, then you will be at the stage of 'concious competence'. You can do it well enough but you still need to be focused on it. And when you can do it with your 'eyes closed' as they say it then you are at the stage of 'unconcious competence'. You can do it without having to put so much thought.

Get the picture?

Now, it gets me to thinking. This is why it is sometimes difficult to change an old habit. We are so used to doing it all our life that even if we decide to change, if we don't conciously make the effort at all time, chances are that we will go back to the old ways. Hence we have to have the discipline, determination and steadfast. Otherwise, we can get astray.

More so when it comes to any matter related to the religion. The whispers from the devils are not helping at all! Hee....

So, there you are my friends, now that you know the scientific reason for it, perhaps it will help you to stay on course and keep you pushing onwards with more determination! And in my opinion it's better to stay on the 'concious competence' state of mind most of the time so that we are always focused in whatever that we do. And we don't get carried away so easily.

P.S. By the way, there is one more stage prior to the concious incompetence. Its called, 'unconcious incompetence'. This is when you don't realise that you need a certain skill. It's not exactly a stage of ignorant, it's more likely that you do not need that particilar skill at that particular time until sometime later.

Personally, I would term this stage as the 'dumb blond' stage. Hee....

Good nite lovely people.


  1. Dumb blond stage? LOL!

    I think I need to check whether there's scientific research findngs on why blond and dumb can't be separated, Puan.. Hehe..

  2. Hee. I hope that I have not offended any blonds out there. But then again the dumb ones are oblivious anyway. Hee.....

  3. Hahahahha! Another simple logic why we shouldn't change our hair color. Especially blond!

  4. Come to think of it, there are more 'dumbs' than 'blonds' or any other colour actually. They just choose to remain oblivious and ignore the obvious until a sudden wake up call. Otherwise, Islam in name only but not a mukmin. May Allah show them the light and keep us in the straight path. Ameen.....

  5. Indeed, puan. May we be saved from our ignorant & oblivious self..
