Wednesday 10 October 2012

Forgive and Forget

Still on the subject of "forgive". Does anyone out there find that it's easier to forgive but harder to forget? Well, I have to admit that I am one of them.

The latest incidence happened about a year ago and I found that even though it took me a shorter time to forget the whole unpleasant incident I wasn't able to dismiss it immediately.

I found that I kept analysing the situation over and over again, what, how and why it happened. It was only until I came to a conclusion and decided on a solution that I am able to put the matter aside.

So there you are. Regardless what others say, to me forgiving is a lot more easier than to forget. And in my personal opinion, there are some cases where it may be better that you don't forget because they are part of your learning experience and can be used as your reference point.

Having said that though, we must not hold our grudge and on the look out for vengence! After all we are all human and human makes mistakes. (As long as we don't make the same mistakes twice!). And most important of all, if God is always able to forgive and forget, who are we not to? Hee.....

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