Friday 5 April 2013

Sunsets in your Life

Many a times when I passed this particular road at certain hours of the day I told myself "I wish I have a camera with me". And when I do happen to have a camera in my handbag, I told myself, "one of these days I must stop and take a photo of that sunset". Today I did.

Sunsets. It never fail to bring some emotion in me. The sheer beauty of light and colours, the awesomeness of God's creation.

I have yet to capture a really good shot of sunset especially on a beach. Usually, its too cloudy a day when I happened to be there. You know the perfect round bright orange ball just touching the horizon. Or maybe I am just not that good a photographer yet. Yeah right!

Anyway, here are the shots I have taken earlier today as I was driving home from work. FYI, they are 3 different shots and not a single shot which has been cropped. And its the original colours too. I am not that fond of photoshopping.

Have a great week end everyone!

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