Monday 16 April 2012

Weight Loss Smarts

As promised here is an excerpt from the magazine Calibre.

Basically it says the absolute best exercise to lose weight is the exercise "that you will do". Yup. No point in signing up for something that you are not able to sustain! So pick up an exercise that you enjoy and a routine which you can stick to.

Go for cardio exercise instead of strength or resistence training. Incorporate variety or cross training so you will not get bored with the same routine.

All you need to do is burn the calories that you have consumed. Meaning, the more you consume then the more you need to get rid of hence the more exercise you need to do.

So here is the list of cardio exercise that you can do:

1) Running
- maximum calorie burning and weight loss as well as strengthening heart and legs.
[Not good for people with knee problem like me though].

2) Bicycling
- effectiveness depends on speed and resistence/incline level.
- exercise bike in front of the TV is a good investment as long as you make a point to use it!

3) Swimming
- top exercise to lose weight as it exercises the whole body
- low impact because of the water that supports the body weight so injuries are kept to the minimum

4) Brisk Walking
- the easiest cardio workout that helps tone legs, stomach and hips.
- better option than running to those with injuries
- walking across and/or uphill will add to the amount of calories burnt

5) Skipping
- simple but effective weight loss exercise
- 10 mins of jump rope is equavalent to running an 8 min mile
- improves cardio endurance, coordination and agility

6) Any Racquet games
- tennis, badminton, squash. The side to side, front to back, stop and start movement add up to a great cardio workout
- needs a sparring partner though which makes it more difficult to cop out

There you go folks. Unless you are one of those with an all time high metabolic rate, we all need to exercise to keep the coveted, slim and trim body while we get to enjoy that yummy pavlova or the cheesy red velvet.

So what will be your choice?

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