Monday 23 January 2012

Customs and Traditions.

A friend wrote in FB on how he misses the old traditional ways of celebrating the Chinese New Year. I believe like other old customs this may be as a result of modernisation and somehow at times some good customs were done away in the expense of modern life style.

On the other hand, there are some customs that we can do without. Not only it will save time and money (for example an elaborate wedding customs) but at times they are even against the religion (there is a long list of this but I shall not go into the detail right now). Its just that some of them has been practiced from one generation after another and they just get carried on and on. Until someone pointed out that it was wrong. Unfortunately for some, its difficult to stop doing something that have been practiced for so long.

I am glad that my sister had a simple but beautiful wedding for her only daughter. She did away with the traditional bersanding ceremony. And yet the wedding was still so magical and memorable. I just love the theme and decoration for the akad nikah and the lunch reception which were at two different locations. (the backdrop for the akad nikah was uploaded a couple of days ago and I shall upload the decoration of the hall where the lunch reception was held)

It just goes to show that its not so difficult to change if we really put our mind to it. Yes, change can be difficult sometimes. No, scratch that. Change is difficult most of the time. But it can be done if we are steadfast and truly believe that its for the better. Its all in the mind.

P.S. May the young couple have a blessed life together and be happily ever after. Amin.

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