Saturday 14 January 2012

Nature Lover

I have taken up photography as a hobby a few years back and I really enjoy taking photos of nature. The first time I took photos of the flowers and leaves and fruits and anything and everything, around my parents house, the outcome was really encouraging and that spured me to learn more. Since then I have taken up a few classes to improve my photography technique. (No, I have no intention to turn pro. Hee..). But I find that photography is really an exhilarating hobby. I found that it's most rewarding when I am able to capture the expression on a person's face or the vibrant colours of a flower or the stillness of a sunset.

During a recent flight I tried to capture photos of the fluffy cloud that we could only see while we are up on air. Cloud formation is simply amazing and I never get tired of the awesome nature at its finest. Nothing beats God's finest creation. I am just totally fascinated and yet I don't believe that I will ever be able to capture a good 'shot' of it. Not easy to capture the texture of the cloud on paper.

So instead, here are some photos of the Rangoon Creepers which happened to be part of my fence. This is another fascinating God's creation. The buds are white initially but they will turn soft pink as they start to bloom and then turn bright pink at full bloom. To top it all, they give out a sweet fragrance at night. The fragrance would really perk me up when I got home after dark from work and I swear they release some stress away.

Best therapy nature can give, don't you think?

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