Sunday 15 January 2012

Mothers' Love

As my friends and I were talking about our children, it dawned to me that we as parents never stopped "mothering" our children no matter how old they are. There will never be the time to completely "let go". And I believe this is true not only with daughters.

My two girls were lucky enough to experience the boarding school in their year 4 and 5 in their secondary school. Which I believe was a good platform for them to learn to be independant before they venture into the world of college life. Even then, the kind of up bringing that they were conditioned in today's lifestyle, it may not fully equipt them to face the challenges without help.

I mean they were brought up "differently", they are more "protected" if you know what I mean. In my growing up days parents did not have to worry about serial killers and child kidnapping. I remember my childhood days being full of fun and freedom to play away from the house with my neighbourhood friends, playing kites in the nearby field, catching fish with the boys and playing 'masak-masak' with the girls. Sometimes I would not even be home for lunch as I would eat in whoever's house I happened to be. Such precious memories.

Anyway, should we blame the society or ourself if we failed to bring up our children to be independant and street smart? As parents we often made decisions for them as best as we could. What we feel was best for them at that particular moment even if they refused to talk to you for days after. We tried to teach them good morals and responsibilities. To study hard for their future and to do their daily prayers. To respect others and do their bit for the environment. In short we tried our level best to bring them up to be good. A good daughter (or son), a good friend, a good servant (to Allah), good at their studies, etc, etc. Sounds like a lot of pressure to me..... Well, we do take time to have fun in between with the dinners and movies. And lots of shopping too. Hee....

To get back to the crux of the matters, as parents we never stopped worrying about our children. No matter how old they are. Even after they are married and have their own family I am sure (even though I have not gone through that phase yet).

But my husband always reminds me that we can only do so much. We have to leave the rest in God's good hand. They have to go out into the world on their own and learn from their own mistakes. We can send reminders every now and then, but ultimately, they have to carve out their own life.

Hopefully as they go through their own life, they would apply some of the principles that we have tried to instill in them. And later on become good parents themselves.....

Amen to that.

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