Tuesday 14 February 2012

Cleanliness and Health.

I attended a Kelas Hadith today and the topic of discussion was about the abolution or wuduk. (a cleansing ritual that muslims perform before performing the prayers or solat). Do you know that if we do the wuduk properly base on the sunnah, its like a health therapy? There are 493 points or Biological Active Spot that would be 'activated'. Times that by 5 each day. We probably do not need to go for reflexology if we do our wuduk right. Yup! The question is, how do we do it right... Mmm. I have to find out more.

Nevertheless, it goes to show that Islam does not only emphasise on cleanliness but also good health.

Well, I am off to bed as I got to get up early for work. Have been on medical leave for the last two days. No, nothing serious! Just a couple of jab on my knees to top up the lubricant. Painful procedure though and I have to go easy on my legs for a couple of days. But it has to be done if I want to be pain free for the rest of the year or even two. InsyaAllah.

So I shall bid my good night. Sweet dreams....

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