Monday 13 February 2012


Every second Sunday I would attend a what I call "Kelas Ilmu" (knowledge). The facilatator is Ustadz Kariman. He will share with us topics related with "Qalbun Salim" or "Sifat-sifat Mahmudah(terpuji)". In a nutshell, a self improvement class base on Quran and Hadith.

Last week the topic was 'Iffah which means the ability to stay away from any wrong doings in the eyes of Islam.

Allow me to share some of the discussion topics:
There are various means for us muslims to keep our desires in checked; physically and verbally. From the commonly debated topic like zina and aurat to the finer subject like table manners. Yes, our religion is very detailed and refined actually. The Ustadz has a very good way to deliver the topics in an interesting and at times hilarious manner.

One of them is on the subject of the food that we eat.

Surah Al-Baqarah 2:168 clearly tells us to "eat permissible (halal) good things that lies in the earth".

Two words which are emphasized here are: halal and good. Good meaning nutritious, fresh and healthy. While halal has a deeper meaning.

Many would immediately think that halal food means those that has been certified by Jakim. But its more than that. If the food is stolen. Then its not halal. If its bought using stolen money, then its not halal. If the money used is not halal money then the food is not halal. In another words how you obtain the halal food also counts. Many forget that. Or choose to forget that. It cross my mind when we were discussing this that there are many out there who has earn their salary in the wrong way. Bribery, under-counter money, dirty money, drug money. And with those money they would buy food for their family where as those food are not deemed to be halal. Sad.

And in addition, Islam also encourages us to practise a good dining etiquette. Example, we must eat slowly, we must not take too much from the buffet table, only as much as you can eat. And we certainly must never ever fight for the food. He he he...

And on another subject, he talked about the ability to refrain from saying harsh or bad things. We were reminded that we must not say anything unkind to others, even to our sworn enemies, what more to our family and friends. (read my earlier post on "The Power of Words")

Come to think of it, Islam is not that hard to practice. There are a lot of common sense in the teaching.
So, it shouldn't be too difficult for us to be a better person. As long as we are (one), steadfast and (two), do not succumb to the whispers from the devils.....! Now I know that (two) may be the hardest of the two. But that will be the true test of what kind of person we are or can be....!

So let us show the world what we are made of!!!

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