Friday 2 March 2012

Happily Ever After

Have you noticed that most marriage couples do not really share common interest? I notice this a long time ago. Take an example of a good friend of mine. She and my husband has a lot more in common while her husband and I share the same interest in terms hobby and food. And later on I notice the same with another couple.

Well, maybe that's how it's supposed to be. God wants us to have a partner who is different so that we can learn from each other. At least we learn to be more patient.

First of all, I can't pin point exactly how a couple is attracted to one another in the first place. My theory is that we all develop our opinion or specification while we grow up base on how we are raised or brought up.

Secondly, the term 'Love is Blind' is totally true. At the beginning of a relationship at least. During the courting period, usually we are blind to the quirks and flaws of the person whom we have 'fallen' for (I wonder why we use the word 'fallen' as if its an accident!). After a few years of marriage then the true test of the relationship will come forth.

That's when certain habits that used to be so cute suddenly become irritating. What used to be oh!-that-was-so-sweet becomes, what-the-heck-was-that-for! Yup! The romance is over.

If couples pass this stage with flying colours, then the marriage will last till the end of time. Couples have to accept each others' flaw as afterall no one is perfect. There has to be lot of give and take and there should never ever be a count of how many 'gives' versus how many 'takes'.

Then they will live happily ever after.

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