Friday 16 March 2012

True Friends - Part 1

How do you define a true friend? This question was asked in my earlier post about 'Best Friends Forever'.

Well, first of all, in my opinion even if you google the definition on the internet, it will still differ from one person to another. This is because everyone has a different set of expectations from their friends.

Yup. The key word here is EXPECTATIONS.

Some people would expect their best friends to give them priorities over other friends or even anyone else. Expect them to understand their moods. Expect them to be around every time in time of needs. Expect them to like what they like. Get the drift?

To me true friends do not have any expectations of each other. You are there for each other because you want to, not because you have to, or are expected to. When one says 'let's watch a movie tonight', the response should be a spontaneous 'yes, let's' or 'can't make it tonight, because...' without feeling guilty that she couldn't go. It should not be answered after a pause and a mental debate 'if I don't go she will be disappointed with me'. True friends are honest with each other and sincere in their action.

I feel that this is the most important factor in a friendship. True friends anyway. The type that will last forever. Even when they go on their own way after awhile or separated by distance. When they meet again, they can easily get along from where they left off.

Apart from that of course it helps that close friends share common interest such that there is always something to talk about. No. Scratch that. There is always a never ending flow of animated conversation. Sometimes it seems that everyone wants to speak at the same time. Ha ha!

Well, I am not sure if you agree with me here. Nod if you do, and write your protest if you don't!

I sure like to hear from you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. TQ...
    true friends do not hv expectations...i'll buy it.!! but isnt it true/close friends or relationships for tht matter, too creates expectations?
    expectations tht could come fr any1 thts close to us, tht we luv, be it our parents, our siblings or friends? or our luv mate? the more the luv , more would be the expectations?
    Mind you, m not denying tht one should not hv expectations but rather, isnt it obvious to expect things from those close to us ? Certainly some expectations are perfectly reasonable, dont u think so?

    1. Sounds like you are searching for an answer, Lady Sunshiney. I don't profess to be an expert in this subject matter and I did declare at the beginning that the terms of the relationship between friends would differ from one to another. Because everyone is different with different set of believes and expectations. What works between one relationship may not work with another. I don't think there is a single formula that can be applied across. So what works for me may not work for you. What I have written is purely base on my own believes and experience. I am pretty sure that there are many out there who would totally disagree with me.

      So, to answer your question, I would say, Probably.

  3. Yeah, as you said , thrs no xcactly rite or wrong answers here coz sometimes asking the rite questions is the answer after all, is tht wht u mean?..
    Like 4 instance, which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a gd fren who lives rite near u?...Or how come the things tht make u happy dont make every1 happy?.
    Dear Shah R, your kind assistance and explanation is very much appreciated. its got me thinking, it makes me realize ......TQ v much 4 ur kind help in this matter...
